Educational Program in Bahía de la Paz, México

1-3 months


The peninsula of Baja California and, specifically, the coast of Bahía de la Paz, make up a unique marine environment in the world, an ecosystem rich in natural resources, but also threatened by complex economic and social activity.

Marine litter is reaching alarming levels, choking our oceans. Plastic is everywhere.
The tide of plastic is one of the most pressing concerns about our environment and now more than ever, scientists and local initiatives must come together to address this crisis and ensure the survival of the planet.

Learning Objectives


Acquisition of a broad vision of the physical, biological, ecological and social environment of Bahía de la Paz in order to analyze actions that promote sustainable development in this unique environment.


In-depth knowledge of the marine habitat and the needs for conservation and protection of the oceans.


Acquisition of principles, objectives and strategies of sustainable development and conservation of marine biodiversity as interdisciplinary, transversal and integrating concepts.


Experimentation on the ground of the effects of human activity on the natural conservation of fragile environments, acquiring a global vision of the current reality and the ability to propose sustainable and lasting solutions.

Developed Activities

The course, adaptable to the academic needs of the students and to the university study plans, is eminently practical, but it also includes theoretical training actions before, during and after the fieldwork to integrate the concepts of the topics addressed.

Each of the habitats and characteristic organisms analyzed will be worked on in the field and in the classroom, to reinforce the concepts and provide practical experiential learning.

The fieldwork will focus on the protection of marine species, with special attention to the dolphin communities that inhabit these environments. Research work will be carried out for the identification, behavior and demography of dolphins in Bahía de la Paz.

Likewise, the necessary actions will be analyzed to guarantee the survival of species through the correct management of waste and marine pollutants.

Each day will be a combination of lectures, outings and practical exercises that will allow students to identify, analyze and investigate environmental problems seen or experienced during the visits.

Expected Results


Acquire a broad vision of the current reality of a natural environment of great environmental value threatened by global warming and human activity.


Generate awareness and multidisciplinary knowledge of the social, environmental and economic reality of the environment.


Design and evaluate waste management solutions at the local level that are also applicable at a global level.


Carry out scientific research work that allows the transfer of knowledge to the community to provide innovative, effective and lasting solutions.


Promote critical and ethical thinking to facilitate the sustainable development of the community and raise awareness of marine pollution.


Global Youth Academy is Lea Global’s e-learning platform that offers training on the United Nations 2030 Agenda and how to adhere, through action, to the different SDGs. All projects include 120 hours of training at the Global Youth Academy, as well as continuous online support on the subject developed.

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